
Slave of Sin or Servant of Righteousness

The Sermon begins by covering the topic of "What do we believe" regarding forgiveness before and after Baptism. It then transitions to focus on the role of slavery in the Bible and the choice we make to be slaves of sin or servants of righteousness with the undercurrent of understanding...

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Pride, the not so hidden sin

Hidden sins are those that a person commits but does not see in themselves. Pride is one of the more evasive ones. God warns us of the dangers of pride especially when we let it continue unchecked.  

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Forgive Them

The first thing Jesus said after His crucifixion was to ask the Father to "forgive them for they do not know what they do." Forgiveness is a mindset that we too must have.

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The Temptations

The Bible states that Jesus, our High Priest, was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin. It was only the beginning when the Devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness for forty days. Satan didn’t stop until the crucifixion of Jesus Christ….

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John 3:16 and Passover

Oftentimes John 3:16 is just a motto for some people. But the meaning has deep importance for all and is to be understood in its fullness especially in regards to Passover.

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Walking with Moses

 God's relationship with Moses from early in his life to the many events that shaped Moses as a leader can apply to us today in our walk with God as we prepare for the Spring Holy Days.

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Trust in God

We know that God wants us to trust in Him, and so how do we do that? Key points are given in how we can trust in God more fully.

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the Household of God

The responsibilities we all have in the Church of God.

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The Everlasting Covenant

GOD made an everlasting covenant with Noah that HE would never again destroy the earth with a flood. We know that GOD will never break that covenant. But there was also another everlasting covenant that GOD made with Abraham and HIS descendants--the church today—that HE will never break...

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Redeeming the Time

Time is a valuable commodity. In Ephesians 5:16 we are instructed to redeem the time because the days are evil. Our physical time on earth as human beings is limited. How are we using the time that we have? Are we rescuing it from loss or is it wasting away?

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