
Video Sermon

Video sermon today " Endure to the End" by Doug Horchak

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Standing on God’s Promises

 Some sources say that there are over 30,000 promises found in the Bible.  How important is it for us to stand on God's Promises?  What does it mean to truely believe in God's promises? 

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Important Lessons of Life

Over 50 years of experience in the ministry, marriage and membership in God’s church gives one valuable lessons that all of us should consider. In this sermon are 9 important lessons that when learned and practiced benefit us in preparing for God’s kingdom.

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Gifts, Power and Character for teaching in the World Tomorrow

Many in God’s Church don’t feel qualified to be a teacher when Christ returns. But God will easily supply the gifts needed to teach and we will have the power to do so. Our responsibility is to develop the character needed for ruling and teaching.

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Does God Call Our Children

Understanding the truth about God calling our children will make a difference in how we treat and teach our children. Here’s proof that God does, in fact, call children of members of His church.

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The Influence of Satan

God tells us the whole world lies in wickedness (1 John 5:19). Does God really mean everyone is under the influence of Satan the Devil? The influences of Satan might be greater than we think!

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The 7th Trump

 We know when the 7th Trumpet sounds, the dead in Christ are raised incorruptible. Where are God’s people prior to the 7th Trumpet? What other events transpire at the 7th Trumpet?

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The Feast of Trumpets: Our Hope

The Feast of Trumpets represents our hope in the resurrection. Because Christ was resurrected, through the same Spirit we have the hope of the resurrection to life everlasting. Without Christ’s resurrection there can be no resurrection to glory of anyone else.

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The Six Trumpets

Leading up to Christ’s return at the 7th Trumpet are the 6 trumpets of the 7th seal. God punishes mankind for their sins and defiance against Him while at the same time saves God’s elect from mankind’s self-destruction.

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Take Heed to Yourself

 In Luke 21:34 we are told to take heed to ourselves lest the day come upon us unawares.  As we draw closer to the return of Jesus Christ, how are we to take heed to ourselves?

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